The Danville County Railroad layout has a lot of trains that run on it, but some of the most common trains that show up on the layout are the coal trains. Loaded and Empty trains run up and down. The photo above shows Norfolk Southern SD60M 6800 backing a empty coal train into the Grovemont Yard. The loaded trains appear at the same location as right here while the empty trains d a run around with the power so the cars or car can head into the yard before the engines/engine.
In this new article we will be looking at Penn Central Bay Window caboose #4930. In bay window cabooses, crew that were monitoring trains sat in the middle of the caboose in a section of wall that projected from the side of the caboose. This type of caboose resulted in a better view of the side of trains. The photo above shows the caboose sitting in track 1 of the grovemont yard. Here is another view of the caboose.
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